Kia Boyz Rebrand To The Hyundai Gentlemen Citing “Too Much Bad Press”

ROCHESTER, NY – The notorious “Kia Boyz” just made a major announcement that they are going through a complete rebrand. The group, known for carjackings and flashy stunts, cited overwhelming negative publicity as the driving force behind the transformation.

A spokesperson for the group reached out to The Innerloop Blog and let us know that they will be known thusworth as the “Hyundai Gentlemen.” They emphasized the need to leave their tumultuous past behind but also that “being associated with Kia wasn’t doing us any favors” with all the safety concerns and recalls the company has had in recent years.

The Hyundai Gentlemen plan to embrace sophistication, opting for leisurely Sunday drives and upscale café visits over street racing. However, skepticism remains, with some questioning whether a rebrand can truly erase the group’s wild reputation.

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