Sodus, NY: We’re Just Like Any Other Small Rural Town Where Gruesome Murders Happen Regularly

Sodus, NY – The Sodus board of tourism is shaking things up with a new slogan: “We’re Just Like Any Other Small Rural Town Where Gruesome Murders Happen Regularly!”

After decades of covering up the town’s darkest secret that their townspeople are constantly being massacred the Town of Sodus is leaning into it.

Why? They have decided to capitalize on new booming tourist market made up of millennial women who listen to podcasts about spine-chilling murders.

“We really thought it was best to hide that our Sodidian’s are being killed in ways that would make the Saw writers queasy, but these young women coming to visit are truly intrigued by all the horrifying details,” said Sodus Town Board member Gary Schitti.

The town has decided to make Sodus the go-to spot for murder fans with everything from guided podcast tours, selfie booths with actual evidence, and more. “Plus there is the added danger that we have not caught the murderer and due to budget cuts, our police force has stopped looking so you could be murdered too!” said Gary.


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